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Carter Fountain Construction and Installation 1973

Carter Fountain Construction and Installation 1973


The Hikitia lifted the Carter Fountain and construction equipment into place in Oriental Bay in January and February 1973.

All photographs in this article were generously provided by Martin Charles Smith, one of the two builders of the Carter Fountain.

First here's some pictures of the fountain's construction. This photo shows the steel reinforcing used in the base and skirt of the fountain:

This picture shows the fountain bowl being topped up with concrete:

This photo shows concrete for the fountain being pumped through the roof of the building which housed the fountain while it was being constructed:

And here's a photo of the completed fountain bowl with the building roof removed, ready for the fountain to be lifted:

Now we have the Hikitia delivering the fountain for installation in Oriental Bay. These photographs were likely taken on 19 February 1973 . From the Hikitia log books:

Went to Taranaki St & lifted Carter Fountain from wharf & landed it on Hikitia.  Laid anchors in vicinity of Fountain site then positioned Fountain on piles.  Assisted in placing concrete then lifted anchors and returned to berth.


This photograph shows the fountain being positioned on the Hikitia's foredeck:


Next is a shot of the Hikitia arriving in Oriental Bay with the fountain:


This photo shows the fountain being lifted off the Hikitia's deck to be placed on the sea-bed piles:


This next photo shows the fountain from the deck of the Hikitia and was likely taken sometime between the 23rd and 27th of February 1973. From the Hikitia's logbook:

Lifted pumping equipment for Carter Fountain from wharf at Taranaki St then proceeded to fountain site.  Laid anchors, then lifted equipment into position at fountain








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